Asbestos is a naturally occuring mineral mined across the world including Russia and Canada.
Asbestos has many great properties, which is why it has been used extensively in the past. It does not conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into shapes when combined with other materials such as cement and resins.
It is very dangerous however and can cause a range of serious and often fatal lung diseases. Around 5000 people a year die as a result of asbestos related illness. (HSE).
In the UK the use of asbsesos was banned in 1999 so buildings built before 2000 may contain asbestos.
Some diseases cause by asbestos are -
Mesothelioma; A type of cancer which affects the lining of the lungs and the lower digestive tract. Asbestos is known to be the most common cause and in most cases it is fatal.
Asbestos relatied lung cancer: The same as caused by smoking and other causes.
Asbestosis: The lungs become sacarred from exposure to asbestor over many years. It causes shortness of breath and can be fatal.
Pleral thickening: The lining of the lung becomes thicker and swollen. This causes shortness of breath and chest discomfort.
People who are exposed to asbestos and also smoke are more likely to developing lung cancer than those who don't smoke
There are three main types of asbestos, each of which is harmful:
- Chrysotile (grey)
- Amosite (brown)
- Crocidolite (blue)
Asbestos based materials were used extensively before 2000, as such there are many places you may find it, including:
If you discover what you think may be asbestos when working you should assume that it is asbestos.
A risk assessment should be performed to decide if a licensed contractor is required to remove the asbestos.
Only people with the appropriate training are permitted to carry out non-licensed work.
Your employer is duty bound to provide you with appropriate PPE if it is likely that you to be exposed to asbestos.
If you feel that your employer is not following the regulations relating to asbestos you should report it to the enforcing authority or the HSE on 0300 0031647.
Asbestos is what's called friable which means that is easily crumbled and able to release dangerous fibres into the air.
Many asbestos building materials are safe provided that they are not damaged causing the fibres to be released. Some common methods of exposure are:
* Use of power tools
* Cutting and drilling
* Physical disturbance through hitting or moving